The garden, closed off though it generally is, reflects the world to which it belongs. This piece, written from a place of disenchantment, considers the structure of gardens, and attempts to explore, through law and literature, the manner in which the law has a tendency to prioritise the protection of that which is attributable to the socially privileged. v1.2 9 MARCH 2025 The garden is often an escape into a liminal world between the quotidian and the fantastic, the ornamental and the productive. It is a world in which it is difficult not to find beauty but in which beauty, even when it is naught but artifice, is not necessarily considered to be art in any sense that copyright law would recognise despite the fact that, to be a garden, the space in which it exists must have been influenced by human skill, creativity, and vision. The Remains of the Past The gardens of our imaginations stretch the spectrum from luxuriant, barely contained wildness to nature severely constrained. Whi...
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