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Showing posts from March, 2017

Reputation and Defamation: Legal Interpretation and Reform

(nb: This post has been typed out on my phone and will probably be revisited and edited later. Comments relating to the #SpeechBill are based on my own experience and inability to find it publicly accessible online. It's possible that it has been uploaded somewhere but that despite asking and looking for it, I simply haven't found it. I have no idea of whether the draft I saw is accurate. Disclosure: I was involved in developing strategy in the SLAPP suit mentioned in this piece.) Indian law relating to defamation and reputation has been contested and is of concern. Defamation is a criminal offence, and is considered to be a civil wrong under tort law. The elements of what constitutes defamation in each case are slightly different, as are the defences available to allegations of defamation. Under tort law, for example and in contrast to criminal law, a dead person cannot generally be defamed while under criminal law, in contrast to tort law, 'truth' is n

Historical and Legendary Figures in Art

It's been a while since the tale of Rani Padmini and what was then alleged to be the cinematic portrayal (or, depending on how one saw it, distortion ) of her story made waves. The Queen herself was believed to be a historical figure by some, whilst others thought of her as the creation of a medieval author's imagination. My own suspicion, based on very little given that there is a spectacular dearth of documentation, is that there was likely a real Queen based on whom the legend has been drawn. Around the time the controversy about her being portrayed in a film arose, I'd posted a series of tweets based on what I either learnt  or believed of the Queen and the legend: Can I just mention that Malik Muhammad Jayasi's poem on Padmavati may have been an 'insult' to Sher Shah Sur with little relation to fact? — Nandita Saikia (@nsaikia) January 28, 2017 A translation of 'The Padumawati of Malik Muammad Jais' published in 1911 is available here: